Get your insurance quote with Caser Expat Insurance

Caser Expat Insurance gets you insurance quotes that adapt to your life as an expat. We are committed to providing insurances which are designed for expats who have settled in Spain.

From this page, you can access each type of insurance to get your quote. Caser Expat counts with many different insurance services:

Health insurance

We offer variety of insurances that cover everything, from only basic healthcare to premium coverage. You can also pick an insurance that completes social security, or the one that adapts best to your family.

Car insurance

Caser Expat Insurance offer third-party insurance with the option of adding extended coverage, but also complete coverage for your car.

Home insurance

Part of setting is feeling safe at home, and our home insurance will take care of that part.

Motorcycle insurance

No matter what kind of motorcycle you use, we offer third-party insurance with coverage for robbery. A comprehensive coverage is also offered.

Dental insurance

Two different plans offered for you to have a perfects smile.

Pet insurance

Our pet insurance to take care of your best friend in every way.

Travel insurance

Ensure a safe journey with our travel insurance. Coverage includes medical emergencies, trip cancellations, pet assistance, and legal defense. Travel worry-free with the plan that suits you best.

And if you want to know more about us, we invite you to visit our website, where you will find more information about each type of insurance service. Also, ifyou still have any question, one of our agents could get in touch with you toclarify your doubts and help you make the best decision in hiring an insurance.

Caser is a Spanish insurance group that was born more than 70 years ago. Our purpose today is the same as it was back then: to provide a valuable product and excellent service. We understand that moving from your country of origin is not always an easy task, and we want to make things easier for you and help you in your paperwork, so that you only need to worry about making yourself, and your family, at home. With Caser Expat Insurance, you can count on assistance in your language, with particular care for the special circumstances that come with being an expat in Spain.